Sunday, January 31, 2016

Oolala Saffron and Olive Oil Potato Chips

Ooh la la or in this case Oolala, is normally an expression for pleasant surprise, but in this case it seems to be a synonym for meh. Meh is still much better than feh though, so there is that. Maybe the problem is me, saffron just doesn't light up my pleasure sensors like it seems to do to other people. Saffron is spice popular throughout the world, it's used in many cultures dishes. If you've ever had Spanish or Middle Eastern yellow rice, you've had saffron. Wikipedia describes the taste as hay-like and sweet. I had no idea so many people wanted to eat sweetened hay bales, but that does explain how Frosted Mini Wheats has stuck around for so long. The saffron taste only hits me intermittently, but I can't tell if that's because it's lightly flavored or if I'm just not registering it. The chips themselves are very well made, with a robust crisp and excellent mouth feel. It was certainly a novel idea making saffron potato chips, but it's just not for me. 

Found at World Market

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Peanut Hottie

Have you ever had a need you didn't know existed? An experience that shifts your world view? I myself had never thought of heating an entire jar of peanut butter and slurping it down like some sort of twisted legume addict, but now that I do I'm not sure how to go on with my life. Will people on the street see my newfound secret shame? Will I have to slink though the shadows as the Goober Pariah? Will my previous addiction to rhetorical questions subside? If you've ever put peanut butter on a hot English muffin, then you know how this tastes. If you haven't then you need to experience the world more, my little Baby Bird. I'm not so sure about the name and packaging though. "Take me your Peanut Hottie" and the instructions "How To Make Me Hot..." and even the contact information saying to "write me a love letter" seems a bit too sultry. Just how flirty can a beverage be? That's how you end up with a scalded lap. Umm, or so I hear. 

Found at Walmart