Wednesday, July 2, 2014

PopCorners Sweet Chili Popped Corn Chips

If you aren't familiar with PopCorners, the are chips made out of popcorn, much like how regular corn chips are formed. This process creates a light chip that is something like a cross between a tortilla chip and a rice cake. They have a rough uneven texture but are solid enough to dip. The sweet chili powder on the chip add a nice zest with just a tiny hint of heat at the finish. The carry the right balance of flavor as well, the sweet chili is distinct, yet doesn't overpower the popcorn taste. I found these, and a bunch of other flavors in the health food section, but honestly I have no idea how to read the labels, which as far as I can tell only exist to put guilt into people before they go ahead and eat whatever it is anyways. Besides, you are reading the wrong blog if you are looking for healthy snacking.

Found at Giant

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