Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Paqui Tortilla Chips Haunted Ghost Pepper

By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth (sorry I've been reading a lot of Dr. Strange) I have made a mistake. This was a Bad Idea. My mouth is burning, my nose is dripping, I want to scrape off my lips, and honestly I'm quite frightened of what's going to happen "down the line", if you know what I mean. All this woe and I just had two chips. Two chips and I'm ready to be buried in an ice casket. #$@&%*! I am so unhappy right now. I had one chip and thought "this is hot, but bearable", so what does my idiot self do? I have a second chip. I feel like I've been tongue kissed by Mephistopheles. Why the hell would they make a bag this big for these chips? It's not like you can even torture a room full of your "friends" with them, because after the first two collapse no one else is even going to get near them. Ghost peppers were the hottest pepper in the world in 2007, but are now "only" considered the third hottest. They are rated at more than one million Scoville heat units. They are 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce (thanks Wikipedia). I should have looked all this up before putting it in my mouth. If the sadism involved wasn't enough these chips are also made with cayenne, chipotle, and chili powder, my guess is in order to give it something resembling a taste. As if anyone can taste anything other than misery and regret. #$@&%*! 

Found at Fresh Market

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