Thursday, November 6, 2014

Lester's Fixins Artificial Bacon Soda

Thank goodness they told us it's artificial, I might have thought it was all natural bacon soda made from bacon squeezings. It does claim to have "natural flavor" in the ingredients, but honestly I can't imagine what that means. Unlike most fake bacon products I've tried this doesn't seem to use a lot of smoke flavoring. Instead it's very sweet. Probably too sweet. If anything it tastes less like bacon and more like sweet ham. That's not a good thing, if you couldn't guess. It also has a severely chemical aftertaste, which isn't always a deal breaker for me, but this time it is. Altogether foul, I don't expect I'll try it again.

Update: By the gods I've figured it out! Those sick twisted monsters. They didn't make an artificial soda that is bacon flavored. The flavor it's supposed to be is artificial bacon. As in Bac-Os. The goal wasn't bacon, the goal was fake bacon (fakon?). I think I'm even more disgusted now.

Donated by my mom
Found at Pa Dutch Food & Candy Company

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