Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Nabisco Brownie Batter Oreo

Stop the presses. What, print is a dying medium and I'm showing my age? Sigh, ok, pause the internet. Still wrong? Fine, you win, I won't tell you about life changing cookies, I'll just keep eating all of these wonderful treats and not share. 

I can't stay mad at you, dear reader, I'll tell you about them and more importantly where I found mine. I've had a lot of different flavored Oreos, and I've enjoyed almost all of them, but these may in fact be the best. Even opening the package created a heavenly chocolate breeze (which may or may not be the name of a Prince album). Is there such thing as too much chocolate? No, of course not, what kind of weirdo would even think that way? They really do taste like you started making brownies and then lost all self control and ate all the batter like an impatient piggy person. A glorious chocolate filled piggy person! A piggy person who seizes the day and goes for the gusto! I may have started oinking a little bit. So I guess what I'm saying is that these are pretty good. The only real questions left are can I figure out how to take over an entire Oreo factory like Smaug took over Erebor and how will I stop the inevitable ring wearing Hobbits that try to steal my cookie treasure?

Found at Shoppers

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