Monday, July 7, 2014

Soda Boy Caramel Cream

This is a weird one. I'm still trying to figure out if I like it or has my mind finally been broken. Damn it Soda Boy, what are you smirking at? Smug little jerk. I love caramel, it tops ice cream, it fills candy bars, it makes great puddings and pies. It is one of the fundamental forces of sweetness in the universe. As a carbonated beverage, perhaps not. It's just too much. It's not refreshing. I can't even say it's bad, it's a very good caramel flavor. This isn't the format for it, though. It should be found in a can of frosting or maybe on peanuts. There may very well be a reason I've never seen a caramel soda before.

Found at World Market (I think)
Donated by my Mom.

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