Monday, August 18, 2014

Nabisco Cookie Dough Oreo

As much as in enjoying this years crop of interesting Oreo flavors, I'm also a little bit nervous. What are they going to do next year to top it? Only things I can think of are Cookie and Cream filled Oreos which even The Department of Redundancy Department thinks is overkill and Reverse Oreos where there is a cookie sandwiched by two discs of creme, which sounds like a humongous mess if you actually tried to eat it. I do like the idea of having cookie dough between two cookies although I wonder if you went ahead and cooked it would it simply turn into a stack of three cookies? All of which brings me to the actual review. It is freaking awesome. Of course it's awesome. I do have a couple minor bones to pick though (don't worry, there aren't any actual bones inside). I've long ago made my peace with it being creme as opposed to cream, but why does it have "chocolatey chips"? It actually has chocolate in the ingredients, so where is it if it's not in the chips? Also, I feel like there has to be some sort of size limit on what constitutes a chip, they are so tiny that really they should just called flakes. I guess "chocolatish flakes" just doesn't have the same ring. Really though, I'm just being picky, these are great and I can't wait to find the next limited time flavor.

Found at Shoppers

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