Sunday, September 14, 2014

Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed Snacks Wasabi

How does the idea of eating paper sound to you? Would the fact that it's remarkably dry, crispy, and nearly translucent make it more appealing? No? Oh, that's too bad then, these are pretty good. They make me want to go out and get sushi, but to be fair many things make me want to get sushi (including sushi making me want to eat more sushi). The wasabi is pretty hot, but doesn't get overwhelming because each piece is very thin. In fact that may be my only complaint. Each piece is so thin that they gone in a heart beat. The seaweed itself has a slightly salty taste with perhaps a tiny hint of pleasant fishiness. For something that's described as a snack it's not filling at all and just leaves you wanting more. A lot more. It's like eating wasabi air. I are the entire package in minutes and I'm not sated at all. If anything it just made me hungrier. You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry.

Found at Harris Teeter

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