Thursday, September 25, 2014

M&M's Pumpkin Spice

I've found the perfect pumpkin spice product for people who hate pumpkin spice. If there's any special flavor to this I really can't tell. Part of me wants to believe it's really subtle, like a picture of a polar bear in a snowstorm, but I think I have to admit it's just not there. It's not just me either, I passed some out at my office and no one could detect it either. They come in green, orange, and brown, which I guess is supposed to represent pumpkins, but I'm not really sure how. If the green is supposed to be for the stem, what is the brown then? All in all, disappointing, but on the bright side since it's the Age of Pumpkin Spice I'm sure I'll find things that'll do a better job of filling my pumpkin cravings.

Found at Target 

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