Sunday, September 7, 2014

Essential Everyday Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño Popper Kettle Chips

Wait, are bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers a real thing? Is somebody playing word salad with food? Avocado prosciutto sushi. Good heavens, it works! I want that now! Ahem, let me regain my composure. Bacon, cream cheese, and jalapeño (I'm guessing from the picture that they aren't using fried jalapeño poppers as inspiration), it's a tall order to keep these tastes individually distinct. Jalapeño can and often does overpower other flavors. That is somewhat the case here. I say somewhat because, it really depends on how you eat these. If you eat a few at a time all you will taste is the pepper. If you eat them individually however you can also taste the bacon or the cream cheese. For whatever reason (possibly brain damage) I only taste jalapeño and bacon on some and on the others is jalapeño and cream cheese on the others. Never all three at once and never without the jalapeño. Perhaps the different flavors are made separately or maybe my weak mind can't perceive more than two things at once. Either way, they are pretty good as long as you enjoy jalapeño (I feel like I haven't ever typed this many Ñ's in one paragraph), and who knows maybe someone else will be able to taste all three working in harmony.

Found at Shoppers

1 comment:

  1. Howdy there..I enjoyed your review of the chips...I do have a question for ya though. Did you happen to look at the ingredients? There isn't any bacon or bacon flavor included in the ingredients. I really didn't taste much other than then Jalapeno and cream cheese. My friend actually bought the chips and was a little weirded out that he tasted a hint of bacon and called the company up when he didn't see it listed in the ingredients...He put the call on speaker phone so everyone could hear the conversation.The lady that answered was really nice and tried to be helpful, but her first answer wasn't really satisfying and actually confused us even more. She explained there was no bacon in the chips because they were a Kosher company...My friend literally said, "Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" The lady explained once again...then my friend asked, well then where is the bacon flavor coming and the lady said that their chips were in compliance with labeling guidelines and that every in the chips was listed accordingly...he said yea, I can read, that is how I knew there was no bacon or artificial bacon flavor...and she sir, all ingredients are listed there for you to he said, yea i can read, but what makes it taste like bacon...nothing in the ingredients tastes like bacon....the lady became agitated and just kept saying they were in compliance with US labeling laws and that she had nothing else to say...He said, well what about false that in say they're bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers, yet there is no bacon, nor bacon flavoring on the chips...and she just stated they were in compliance...this is why I am on your blog now..I couldn't find many folks commenting on is a link that lists the ingredients so that you can see that there is clearly no bacon, nor artificial bacon flavoring listed. Let me know what you think...
