Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Pumpkin Pie

I've been getting in touch with my inner white girl ( I imagine she looks just like me, but in Ms. Pac-Man fashion, has bows in her moustache) and have been eating quite a bit of pumpkin flavored foods. My weird thought processes aside, these are really good. I've never had warm pumpkin pie before, and I bet not too many of you have either. A real hot pumpkin pie would probably be too gooey and messy to eat, but once it's put into a crust pocket (which upon seeing it written out, sounds repulsive) it becomes a wonderful hot portable treat. The filling itself is all that a pumpkin pie could hope to be and the frosting is festive, sweet, and as always, necessary (I don't trust people who buy unfrosted pop tarts, they are probably pod people). It's good this comes in a double size box, six would just not be sufficient. 

Found at Food Lion

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