Monday, September 15, 2014

Blue Plate Special Red Velvet Cake Soda

Is it possible to juice a cake? Put it in a giant press and squeeze it's essence out. That's what this soda tastes like, liquid extract of red velvet. Incidentally, if you didn't know, red velvet gets it's name from the chemical reaction of cocoa powder and buttermilk (I'm 90% certain there is no velvet involved, however). This soda is red from food coloring, but I wanted to share a useless fact. It will also turn your tongue a lovely shade of crimson.

 It's very sweet, but not cloyingly so. The cocoa flavor really comes across smoothly, one might even say velvety. I wouldn't mind drinking it with some cream cheese, or even an actual slice of red velvet cake, but I think my head would explode and my tongue would never return to it's original shade.

Found at World Market

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