Monday, September 15, 2014

Jelly Belly Draft Beer Jelly Beans

Draft beer (not sure why I try to spell it draught) has a reputation for being cheap beer. That reputation may not be entirely fair, but it does seem to be the thought process behind these jelly beans. Even upon opening the bag the smell of spilt beer assails the nose, reminding me of the dive bars I visited in college (as opposed to the dive bars I frequent now). A better, more accurate name instead of draft beer might be cheap American light (lite?) beer. It reminds me a college quite a bit, although I'm slightly less likely to go streaking afterwards (only slightly less), same odds on hurling though.

They are rather shiny and pretty, like something you'd find at a tacky wedding. I decided to pass some out at a local bar so I could get more opinions on how they taste (the sacrifices I make for this blog). I can safely say interest in the jelly beans grew as consumption of alcohol increased (shocking, I know). Where I think they taste like stale beer, my fellow patrons were convinced of loftier brews, such as Yuengling or Sierra Nevada. 

On the bright side though, even if you eat an entire bag of them, you won't wake up with a hangover or with a regrettable hook up in your bed.

Donated by my mom
Found on

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