Thursday, September 11, 2014

Grapery Cotton Candy Grapes

The grape growers (grape breeders? grapists?) at Grapery (same group that made the Witch Finger grapes) show up once again to demonstrate that the majesty of nature is nothing to the oddities of man. Yes, they really do taste like cotton candy. No, they aren't GMO, unless you consider regular cross breeding that people have been doing for all of human history to be a genetic modification. When I say they taste like cotton candy I want to explain that it's only for the first second when you bite down that you get the rush of flavor, afterwards it just like any other good grape when you chew. Don't worry though, grapes are small and you can (and will) go through quite a few of them. Almost a shame they aren't bright blue or pink.

Found at Fresh Market

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