Wednesday, September 10, 2014

San Pellegrino Clementina

San Pellegrino is an Italian company that produces a naturally occurring carbonated water from the Dolomite Mountains (not to be confused with the super pimp and his army of all girl Kung Fu killers). They also make a number of fruit based beverages featuring the same water. They are known for their strong tart taste. Clementina (made from clementines, just in case your Italian is rusty) is actually fairly mild in comparison to its cousins Limonata and Aranciata. It's still tart, but it won't make your face scrunch up like you are being pulled into a tiny black hole either. The natural carbonation also gives it an interesting aftertaste, especially if you are rude like me and promptly burp right after drinking. All in all it's really quite good, very refreshing, and a great replacement if you don't feel like drinking Orange Crush.

Found at Giant

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